Sample Answer:
Aim: To show the effect of temperature on the rate of enzyme activity
Problem Statement
Responding variable: The rate
of enzyme / pepsin activity
// The time taken for albumen
suspension to turn clear
// The time taken for complete
hydrolysis of albumen /
substrate / protein / starch?
variable: Concentration / volume of albumen (suspension) / pepsin (solution) //
· Hypothesis
The higher the temperature
the longer / shorter the time taken for the complete hydrolysis of albumen /
starch. (Reject: substrate)
List of materials and apparatus
*Albumen (suspension), *pepsin
(solution), distilled water and ice cubes.
*Water bath OR Bunsen burner, beaker and
thermometer, *Stopwatch, test tube, and measuring cylinder.
Experimental procedures
1. Label three test tubes, A, B
and C.
2. Fill each test tube with 5
ml of albumen suspension.
3. Add 5 ml pepsin into every
test tube.
4. Record the initial
observation on the albumen suspension.
6. Start the stopwatch.
7. Record the time taken for
the albumen suspension turns clear.
8. Calculate the rate of enzyme
activity using the following formula;
Rate of enzyme activity = 1/Time
9. Tabulate the data (in a
10. Repeat the experiment /
steps 1-9 to get average readings.
(Accept if use other substrates
and enzymes.
Example: Materials; *starch,
*amylase solution and iodine solution.
Apparatus; white tiles, droppers )
Presentation of data
Temperature (°C)
The time taken for the
albumen suspension turns clear
Rate of
(enzyme) activity
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