A Sample Answer


Sample Answer:

 Aim: To show the effect of temperature on the rate of enzyme activity

·  Problem Statement
·  Variables
Manipulated variable: Temperature
Responding variable: The rate of enzyme / pepsin activity
// The time taken for albumen suspension to turn clear
// The time taken for complete hydrolysis of albumen /
substrate / protein / starch?
Controlled variable: Concentration / volume of albumen (suspension) / pepsin (solution) // pH
·  Hypothesis
The higher the temperature the longer / shorter the time taken for the complete hydrolysis of albumen / starch. (Reject: substrate)

·  List of materials and apparatus
*Albumen (suspension), *pepsin (solution), distilled water and ice cubes.
*Water bath OR Bunsen burner, beaker and thermometer, *Stopwatch, test tube, and measuring cylinder.
·  Experimental procedures
1. Label three test tubes, A, B and C.
2. Fill each test tube with 5 ml of albumen suspension.
3. Add 5 ml pepsin into every test tube.
4. Record the initial observation on the albumen suspension.
5. Immerse the test tubes A in water bath of 30°C, B in 40°C and C in 60°C.
6. Start the stopwatch.
7. Record the time taken for the albumen suspension turns clear.
8. Calculate the rate of enzyme activity using the following formula;
 Rate of enzyme activity = 1/Time
9. Tabulate the data (in a table).
10. Repeat the experiment / steps 1-9 to get average readings.

(Accept if use other substrates and enzymes.
Example: Materials; *starch, *amylase solution and iodine solution.
Apparatus; white tiles, droppers )
·  Presentation of data

Temperature (°C)
The time taken for the albumen suspension turns clear
Rate of
(enzyme) activity



I read and read and I understand...
