Chit Chat: A. Dhileeban

Post by Dhileeban....on having twins.

Peace to Dhileeban!
Yes, I would like to have a twin because I will feel glad to see a human a like me in front of me. I can also share things and share my ideas with him. Besides, he might help me in studies too where he can help me to score good results in the exam.


Your twin may not look like you and can even be of another gender. There are two types of twins: identical twins and non identical twins. If two sperms fertilize two different eggs, you'd get a non identical twins or fraternal twins. Then, your twin may look different and may even be a girl. And then of course, don't be too sure that your twin can share his or her ideas with you. If it is about sharing ideas and thoughts with someone, it can be with anybody. But first ask yourself, can you be honest with the one you are sharing your thoughts with?

 Here's an SPM 2005 question for you:

Can you explain the differences between the two pairs of twins, identical and fraternal twins.
Your explanation should be based on the following aspects:

  • Types of twins
  • The formation of twins
  • Characteristics of twins                                                           (6 marks)
